Clubs, groups and events.
Proudly supporting the community for over 100 years!
Photographic Club
Meet : Friday Sept - May
Time : 7pm
Contact : Alan Wilson AFIAP
Tel: 0191 422 0705
Email: wpcsec@mail.com
Tel. : 0191 488 1291
The club was founded in 1973 and has met here in the community centre since then. (Front St. Whickham NE16 4JL)
We are an open and welcoming club to all who seek a path of enjoyment with like-minded members in photography.
Ages of our membership range from 11 to 94 yrs.
We have a very detailed profile on our web site for more information & a programme of events, please visit us on: www.whickhamphotographic.club
Also find us on
Twitter:@whickhampc www.facebook.com/WhickhamPhotographicClub
Contact: Alan Wilson AFIAP
Tel: 0191 422 0705 Email: wpcsec@mail.com
We meet every Friday at 7pm between Sept & May.
New visitors are allowed up to 3 weeks before they decide whether or not to become a fully paid up member.
We host amateur and professional speakers from all over the world and hold competitions with guest judges.
There are members’ nights where everyone who wants to can share their latest images, both prints & DPI’s. to showcase their work.
So, there’s just a few things we get up to & if you would like to see the rest of what we are about or get to know more, you are welcome to click on the above web site.
There is a whole lot more to our club, so do drop in anytime.

Link to:
This image of 3 photographs is the Winner of a previous years Portfolio competition, the first of the season's competitions.
The Grove by Carol Stout DPAGB